Founder, Maegan Walton is a Registered Architect in New York and Connecticut, with a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification in the specialty of Building Design and Construction. She has worked in the field of Architecture since 2002 and started her own practice in 2012. Walton has a Bachelor of Design in Architecture and a Master of Architecture from the University of Florida, while studying abroad in Vicenza, Italy, Walton became intrigued by the built works and landscapes of the dynamic culture. She focused her thesis on creating thresholds, or glimpses back into country, after returning home. The thesis exhibit was named Soglia Italiana, and the word SOGLIA continued to be of interest long after the exhibit concluded. SOGLIA [soul-lee-ah] is an Italian word meaning "threshold." The threshold is a point where one experiences a broad view of all possibilities. Similar to a threshold, where many experiences culminate, Soglia Architecture offers a holistic approach to design; to create artful, functional and environmentally conscious spaces.